The maritime industry and the society at large are facing challenging times. Measures implemented by some ports and countries across the globe to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 are raising significant operational consequences for all parties engaged in the maritime sector.
The International Group of P&I Clubs has launched a new online digital tool (dashboard) to assist shipowners, charterers, operators and other parties in the maritime sector to in tracking country and port specific information.
This interactive tool will allow the maritime industry to identify commercial risks and physical threats to shipping around the world and it provides live updates as to the number of confirmed cases of the virus, countries at risk and what to look out for.
The tool sources data from all 13 International Group Clubs, the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the World Health Organization (WHO) and other leading sources, which can assist ships with chartering, operations and port specific information.
Access to this online dashboard is available using the following link:
The International Group will continue to provide updates through this dashboard on the restrictions imposed and the measures taken by ports and countries around the world as a result of COVID-19 whilst any such restrictions remain in place.
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